Last updated:

5th July 2023

Nuisance neighbours

Advice for handling hostile or inconsiderate neighbours

What is a 'nuisance neighbour'?

Do you have a neighbour that is disrupting your life? Do you feel that their actions are unreasonable, avoidable and inconsiderate? Has this situation been ongoing for a while?

What you can do

  • Inform your neighbour of your concern and give a reasonable length of time for them to improve the situation
  • Be aware that there may be other factors which cause behaviour issues, such as mental health issues, or alcohol or drug misuse
  • Make sure that you can correctly identify the source of the nuisance, for example, the address where it is coming from

Additional help

Email us at for advice and an officer will discuss your case with you.

You will be required to correctly identify the source of the nuisance and provide full details of what has occurred, including the times and locations where it happened.

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