Last updated:
1st March 2024
Council and NHS services for children with SEND
We provide a number of support services for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families. For further information on each service go to their directory listing:
- Autism Spectrum Service for Information, Support and Training (ASSIST)
- Children with Additional Needs Network and CAN card
- Children's Rights Service
- Children with Disablities Team
- Early Years Inclusion Teacher
- Early Years Inclusion Advisor
- Educational Psychology Service
- Family Intervention Resources and Support Team (FIRST)
- Special Educational Needs (SEN) Service
- Wokingham safeguarding Children Board
Short Breaks and respite
Short Breaks provide children and young people with disabilities opportunities to spend time away from their parents and carers, relaxing and having fun with their friends.
They also provide families with a break from their caring responsibilities and give parents and carers a chance to unwind, spend time with their other children, or take part in leisure or training activities.
Go to our short breaks and respite web page to find out if you’re eligible and how to apply for an assessment.
Optalis Supported Employment Service
The Optalis Supported Employment Service provides a friendly and confidential employment support service for young people with special educational needs and disabilities and those transitioning from education into employment.
For further information go to the Optalis website.
NHS Health Services
The Berkshire NHS Healthcare Foundation Trust (BHFT) has a number of services that help and support a child or young person with SEND and their families. Visit the Berkshire NHS Healthcare Children, Young People and Families Services website to find out what these are.
For information and advice related to children and young people’s development go to the:
- Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust children, young people and families services website
- Berkshire NHS Healthcare children, young people and families services Blog
Mental Health support
For support with a child's or young person's mental health visit the BHFT - Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) web page.
For additional mental health services, information and resources see our:
- Mental health and behavioural support section of the website.
- Search the SEND Local Offer directory
SEND Local Offer Co-ordinator
If you need help to find the information you are looking for on the SEND Local Offer or to give us feedback about what is available locally for 0 to 25 year olds with special educational needs and disabilities please use our: