Last updated:

29th March 2024

Going to college

Going to sixth form or college

Going to sixth form or college is exciting. We want to help you choose the right one for you.

It is important that you:

  • discuss this with your parents or carers
  • discuss this with teachers and career advisers
  • look at sixth form and college websites and brochures
  • visit colleges that you are interested in - you can visit during open days, or your parents, carers or school may want to arrange another time to visit

Wokingham Borough schools with sixth-form

Some secondary schools in Wokingham Borough have sixth forms. These can be a good option if you would like to do:

  • A levels
  • other Level 3 qualifications, such as BTECs

Find out more about Wokingham Borough schools with sixth forms and how to apply.

Reading and Bracknell colleges

Reading and Bracknell colleges offer a wide range of foundation and support courses for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), including:

  • foundation programmes
  • Pathway to exploration - for people with profound and complex learning difficulties including sensory impairment, physical disabilities and severe medical conditions
  • Pathway to independence and supported work - for people with severe to moderate learning difficulties
  • Pathway for progression - develop social communication and skills for future employment

Visit the college's websites to find out more about these courses and how to apply.

Reading College

Bracknell and Wokingham College

Find other local colleges and courses

You can use our SEND Local Offer directory to find other local colleges, organisations offering courses and training.

Search for local colleges on the SEND Local Offer Directory

Support you can get at college

Colleges have a Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) or equivalent.

Colleges may offer:

  • additional support for learning
  • counselling and wellbeing
  • financial support
  • Maths and English
  • support support at break times

You may get support from different members of staff including:

  • behaviour support teams
  • counsellors
  • learning support assistants
  • mentors
  • personal tutors
  • safeguarding team

Colleges need to make sure their courses and learning are accessible to all students.

For more information see support in school and colleges

Financial support

You might be able to get financial support to help you go to college.

Bursary fund

Colleges have access to bursary funding to support students with:

  • travel to college
  • equipment
  • trips
  • course fees

The bursary fund does depend on household income. Visit college websites to find out about the financial support they offer.

Vulnerable bursary

The vulnerable bursary scheme is for students who are in council care or care leavers, who are receiving the following benefits in their own name:

  • Income support or Universal Credit
  • Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Personal Independence Payments (PIP)

Free college meals

You might be able to get free college meals if you received free school meals at school.

Course fees

College course fees are free if you:

  • are under 19
  • have an Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP)

If you are over 19, you may have to pay course fees. Speak to the college to ask them about this.

You can apply for an Advanced Learner Loan to help with the costs of tuition fees for further education courses at a college.

Find out more about Advanced Learner Loan on GOV.UK.

Discretionary travel assistance to college

Students can apply for discount travel passes.

Some colleges provide a bus service with pick-up routes across the area. You can find the transport cost on the college’s website.

We do not have to provide free or subsidised post-16 travel assistance. We will assess each request on a case-by-case basis.

Find out more about our post-16 discretionary travel assistance SEND travel assistance to school and college webpage.

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