Last updated:

4th April 2024

Bladder and bowel conditions

Find support for bladder and bowel conditions for children with SEND.

Some children may need support with controlling their bladder and bowels. The first thing to do is speak to a health professional such as a GP or your health visitor. They may refer you to a specialist continence service.

Bladder and Bowel (Continence) Service

The Continence Advisory Service is based at Wokingham Hospital and specialises in giving help and advice about continence problems. The service provides a clinic in the outpatient department.

Find out more about the service on the NHS Berkshire Healthcare website.

Clinical waste collection

If your child is using nappies or clinical waste is produced as a result of any additional needs, you can contact us to arrange a collection.

Telephone: 0118 974 6000


Find out more about our clinical waste collection service on the SEND Local Offer directory.

National Key Scheme

The RADAR key gives people with health conditions or disabilities access to the National Key Scheme public toilets around the country. Toilets fitted with this can be unlocked using the key.

Find out more on how to purchase a key on the national key scheme directory listing.

Toilet Access Care

You can order a 'Just Can't Wait Card' from the Bladder and Bowel Community website or an app download to your phone.

Information, support and advice

For information and advice on products, useful booklets, leaflets and videos, go to the following websites:

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