Last updated:

21st February 2025


Autism affects the way people communicate and interact with the world.

It is a spectrum condition. This means people with autism are affected in different ways and have their own needs and strengths.

Find out more about autism and its spectrum of diagnosis on the National Autistic Society's website.

Who to talk to

If you suspect your child or young person may have autism, your first step is to contact their nursery or school or get advice from other professionals.

If your child is at school or nursery

Talk to the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) at your child's school or nursery.

They will tell you what they can do to help, what support your child could get and what to do next.

If your child is not at school or nursery

Talk to your GP, health visitor or a family support worker at your local children's centre.

You can also get advice from a member of our Early Years Team about:

  • support available in the local area
  • finding a nursery that is right for your child

Email the Early Years Team:

Autism assessments

For children and young people under 17

The NHS Berkshire Healthcare Children, Young People and Families services offer autism assessments for children and young people aged 2 and a half to 17 and a half years of age. 

Find out more on the NHS Berkshire Healthcare Children, Young People and Families website. 

For young people over 17

The NHS Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust offers autism assessments for young people aged 17 and a half years and above. 

Find out more on the NHS Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust website.

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