Last updated:

6th June 2024

Your health

Find out about children in care health plans

You'll have a health assessment where you can chat with a doctor about your health. While you're in care, you have the right to receive good healthcare. It's important for all young people in care to have a health check within the first month and at least once every year afterwards. Your carers will also ensure you get regular dental and eye check-ups. If you don't want a health assessment, we'll respect your decision, but we believe it's important to make sure all your needs are taken care of.

What will happen at the health assessment?

During the health assessment, the doctor will discuss your health and any worries you might have. They'll check things like your height, weight, eyesight, and hearing. Afterwards, the doctor will fill out a form (called a health plan) and send it to your social worker, carers, and parents. This form will be kept confidentially in your file. Your social worker will accompany you to the health assessment, along with your foster carer or key worker, and if you prefer, your parents can also be there to offer support. It's up to you to decide who you feel most comfortable with.

What does it mean

Health Assessment 
In your health assessment your doctor will ask you about any health issues you might have and this will go towards writing your health plan.

Health Plan 
Your health plan will contain information from your health assessment and will be included in your care plan.

Looked After Children Nurse (LAC Nurse)
This is a nurse who helps make sure you’re healthy. 

Social Worker
This is someone who looks after your case. You may have been introduced to them before you came into care, or they may be new to you. They will be the ones who have the most contact with you, visit you, and come to your meetings.

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