Last updated:

6th June 2024

Your education

Find out about personal education plans for children in care

Support in School

There's a resource called "The Virtual School" specifically designed to support your educational journey in school. While it doesn't have a physical building, it has dedicated staff who ensure you're making good progress in your studies within your own school environment. Your attendance is regularly monitored, and each term, your academic progress is looked at with your school. They'll also monitor your Personal Education Plan (PEP) meetings, as we previously discussed. Additionally, you'll have a designated teacher in your school for children in care, whom you can talk to if you are having any difficulties. They're also available to help you to settle into a new school if necessary.

Not currently in school

It's important for all young people to attend school regularly. If for some reason you are not in school, your carer and social worker will need to talk about your education with you.

Potential school changes due to relocation

We'll do our best to make sure you can continue going to your own school. However, if your new home is far from your school, we may need to consider moving you. We will discuss any changes with you, and we won't move you to a new school if it's close to exams and might affect how well you do.

If you're finding settling into a new school difficult, you can tell a trusted adult at school or at home. Support is available, and that trusted adult can talk to your Virtual School worker during your Personal Education Plan meeting to see how best to help with this. Some young people have a creative mentor, who can help them to settle in at school, learn new skills, and have some creative fun!

Personal Education Plan meetings (PEP)

We want you to do well in school and to receive the support you need. To help make this happen, your teacher and social worker will work together to make a Personal Education Plan for you.

You, your carers, parents, and other professionals will then be invited to the meeting to finalise the plan. Your plan will then be reviewed every six months, around the time of your ‘looked after’ reviews.

What does it mean?

Designated Teacher/Tutor
Every school/college has a designated teacher who's responsible for children and young people in care. You can go to them if you have any problems at school or college.

Personal Education Plan (PEP)
Your personal education plan or PEP is where you set out a plan of actions and targets you would like to achieve. It gets reviewed twice a year so your school and social worker know you are getting the help you need and you are meeting your goals.

These are regular meetings where you meet up to discuss your care plan.

Virtual Head or Virtual School
This a team of experienced teachers who keep an eye on the progress of looked after children in Wokingham’s Schools.

Virtual School Worker
This is someone who checks on your education and makes sure everything’s okay in your place of learning. They will also hold your Personal Education Plans meetings (PEP’s).

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