Last updated:
2nd February 2025
What can the care leaver service help with
The Care Leaver service in Wokingham is a part of the Here4u team. They also have a building in Woodley, which care leavers are welcome to go to and have access to free WiFi.
The team help care leavers transition into adulthood, this includes support with:
- Finding safe and suitable accommodation
- Accessing education and/or training, and finding employment
- Health and wellbeing
- Learning how to manage your finances and become financially independent
- Relationships
- Participation in society
We want to make sure that you're safe and have a nice place to live.
- We'll help you make safe choices in your life
- If you have got in trouble with the law, we'll keep supporting you. If you're in prison, we'll visit you and help you make changes so you can live a healthy, happy, and safe life
- If you're having trouble with drugs or alcohol, we'll work with other groups to support you
Here4U run events throughout the year. These include workshops monthly drop-ins, a BBQ, Christmas diner, Eid al-Fitr celebratio,n national care leavers week activities and an outdoor activity event.
To contact Here4u:
Telephone: 0118 974 6000 - Option 5, Option 1, Option 2
Instagram: here4u_wokingham4