Last updated:

28th June 2024

You receive care at home

Money saving tips

If the money you are using to pay for your care at home is running out, the Money Expert website gives examples of how you may be able to reduce your spending.

Benefits and financial support

Find out the benefits you may be entitled to get to help with your living costs. 

Review your care providers or care plan

Negotiate rates – some providers may be willing to negotiate a lower rate or may suggest changes to your care plan so that it still meets your needs, but is more affordable.  

Consider an alternative provider – you can use our community directory to search for home care services which may be cheaper than your current provider.

Your savings are likely to drop below £23,250

If you are within 3 months of your savings and assets (not including the cost of your home) dropping below £23,250, request a care assessment.

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