Last updated:

7th June 2024

How we work out what you pay

We use government guidance to calculate how we charge for care.

You will need to provide us with full details of your financial position. We will consider your capital, for example savings and shares, as well as your weekly income from benefits and any other sources. Allowances are made for some benefits and certain household expenses. Once we have this information we will calculate your maximum weekly charge.

In addition, if you receive certain disability related benefits, we will take into account expenses relating to your disability. We will automatically reduce the maximum charge by £40 each week if you receive one of the following benefits:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance (care component)
  • Severe Disability Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment (daily living component)

If you believe that expenses relating to your disability are more than £40, then we will look at this with you in more detail.

Savings and investments

If your savings and investments are less than £14,250, they will not affect our calculations of your contribution.

If your savings and investments are more than £23,250, then you will automatically be charged the full cost of the service. In these instances we will not need to go through a full financial assessment with you, but we can still help you to apply for any relevant benefits.

Normally only savings in your name are counted. If you have a joint account with your partner, then only half of the balance is taken into account.

Examples of what is counted as savings, capital and investments include cash, money held in banks, building societies or post office accounts, premium bonds, national savings certificates, ISAs and stocks and shares.

Your partner's financial information

If your partner receives benefits for you as a couple, such as Income Support or Pension Credit, you need to tell us about these.

Otherwise, you do not have to provide your partner’s financial details. However, in some cases your charge may be lower if you give us their information. It can also help us to complete a full benefit check for both of you.

Contact Information

0118 974 6000 - select option 6

Role: Financial Assessment Team


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