Last updated:

21st May 2024

Information about dementia

Many of us may notice memory problems as we get older. Memory can be affected by several health problems, not just dementia. Dementia is caused by different diseases that damage the brain; it is not a natural part of ageing. Anyone can be affected by dementia but it’s more common in people over the age of 65. There are many different types of dementia, each presenting with different symptoms.

If you are worried about your memory, it’s important to make an appointment to see your GP.

Different types of dementia

The following organisations provide further information about the different types of dementia and symptoms associated with these condition:


Alzheimer's Society

Dementia UK

Memory service

Your GP can refer you to your local memory specialist service.

Further information about this service can be found on the Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust website

Getting a dementia diagnosis

For information about what to expect when you see your GP or have a memory assessment, go to the following websites: 

Knowing more about dementia can help you make informed decisions about the support you may need.

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