Last updated:

10th June 2024

Guide to choosing a care home

Find out about care homes and paying for your care

Care homes and guidance

Read the The Berkshire Care Directory which lists all the care homes in Berkshire and offers useful advice:

The Berkshire Care Directory

Types of housing

Different types of housing can cater for different levels of needs.

  • If your needs are not high you may find that sheltered, retirement homes or extra care housing is the right choice for you
  • Residential or nursing care homes are available for people with high levels of need, where 24 hour personal care support is available

Residential care homes

  • Range in size from very small homes with few beds to large scale facilities
  • Offer care and support throughout the day and night
  • Staff help with washing, dressing, at meal times and with using the toilet

Search the directory for care homes

Nursing homes

Nursing homes will normally offer the same of care as residential ones but with the addition of 24 hour medical care from a qualified nurse.

Search the directory for nursing homes

Specialist care homes

Other homes are also registered to provide specialist care for other types of needs such as physical disabilities, mental health health problems or dementia. 

They do this by providing appropriate services and facilities to meet those special needs.

Search the directory for specialist care homes

Sheltered housing and retirement homes

Sheltered housing provides purpose built, independent accommodation for older people over 60. Schemes vary, but all offer:

Privacy and Independence

By moving into sheltered accommodation you will become a council tenant with your own self contained accommodation.

You will have your own front door and you and your visitors can come and go as you please.


Sheltered scheme managers providing on site support during office hours. This includes daily checks to make sure that you are well, assisting you with day to day issues such as reporting repairs. They may also help with accessing other services such as social services or health services if you need them.

Help in emergencies

Emergency alarms systems are provided so if you become ill, have a fall or want to report an emergency repair you can call for help anytime of the day of night.

Companies and activities

When you move into sheltered housing you can choose how involved you become with community activities. This could range from chatting to your neighbours, participating in, or even helping to arrange social activities. If this isn’t for you it's your right not to get involved.

Search the directory for sheltered housing

Paying for your care

To find information on:

  • Options for paying for your care   
  • Paying for support with direct payment    
  • Charging for residential care
  • Deferred payments
  • Financial assessments
  • Personal budgets

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