Last updated:

13th June 2024

Contaminated land

Over the years industrial activity and waste disposal have resulted in the contamination of some areas of land. If you need information on a particular piece of land please refer to Request for Environmental Information. 

The Council is responsible for identifying sites defined as being 'contaminated'. Please refer to our Contaminated Land Strategy (PDF document) to understand our approach to this issue. 

We are aware that the above document does not meet current accessibility standards, as it was published before 23 September 2018. If you require assistance to access this information or want to request it in a different format, please see our feedback and contact information page, or email

Planning and development control  

Planning applications for development on previously used 'brownfield land' are reviewed in case that land is potentially contaminated. Recommendations will be made that the planning approval should be subject to appropriate conditions. Please refer to our guidance and seek advice from our planning teams before making an application.  

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Request for Environmental Information

A request under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 can be made by email to

We charge for the provision of Environmental Information where the amount of information required is substantial and will take longer than one hour to retrieve. The minimum charge is for two hours, in order to locate the information and put in an appropriate format.  Please refer to our fees and charges.

We will not respond to requests to interpret or give an opinion on the Environmental Information that we hold.

If you wish to make a request please download, complete and submit the Confirmation Form in Associated (PDF document).

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Information Commissioner's Office

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