Last updated:

12th July 2024

Financial hardship relief

Financial support for businesses

We offer financial hardship relief in cases of extreme hardship and businesses that are important to the community.

Section 47 allows us to reduce the amount of rates payable. We will consider making a Section 47 award to applicants who meet the qualifying criteria as specified in the policy.

Things to include in your application

Each application shall include the following information:

  1. What level of discount is being requested? (i.e. is this for the full year’s Business Rates or part of it)
  2. What is the reason for the request? (i.e. why is the discount wanted);
  3. How long is the discount wanted for? (i.e. the full financial year, part of financial year or some other period of time)
  4. What steps have been taken to meet or mitigate the Business Rates liability? (i.e. any other discounts or reductions awarded)
  5. How granting the discount will benefit the Borough, (i.e. does it create or save jobs, does it link to the Corporate Vision in some way?)

Evidence required

Evidence required, but is not limited to:

  • Business accounts
  • Income and expenditure statements
  • Most recent bank statements for all bank accounts for the last 6 months
  • Evidence of any outstanding debts including credit cards statements, energy bills, rent or mortgage arrears letters
  • Growth or downsizing plans
  • Any sources of credit such as cash cards, credit cards, cheque cards, cheque accounts, overdraft facilities, loan arrangements;
  • Any help which is likely to be available to the applicant from other sources; any other special circumstance of which we are aware

Read our policy below to find out more:

How to apply

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