Last updated:

28th May 2024

Register a birth

Everything you need to know about registering the birth of a baby

Make sure you know what's needed to register a birth

Before you book an appointment to register a birth, make sure you've read the information on this page.

Register a birth within 42 days

All births must be registered within 42 days of the child being born. The registration takes place at the local Register Office for the area where the baby was born.

Babies born in Wokingham Borough  

If your baby is born anywhere in Wokingham Borough, for example at home, then you can register the birth at The Wokingham Register Office.

To register a birth in Wokingham Borough:

Book appointment

Babies born outside of the Wokingham Borough 

If your baby is born outside of the Wokingham Borough, they will be registered at the Register Office in the area where they are born. 

If it is not possible for you to attend an appointment in the local area where they were born, you can book a 'Birth Declaration' appointment with us. You will not receive the birth certificate at the appointment. We will pass on your documents to the relevant Register Office for the registration. You will then need to contact them directly to obtain your certificates. This can take between 10 to 15 working days. 

To book a birth declaration:

Book appointment

Who needs to attend to register a birth

  • For couples married at the time of child’s birth, only one parent needs to attend
  • For unmarried couples the mother must attend. If the mother wants the father's details to be recorded both parents must attend
  • The child does not need to be there
  • No one else should attend the appointment 

What information is needed to register a birth

  • The child's date of birth, full names, and surname 
  • The mother's forename(s), surname, maiden name (if applicable), month and year of marriage (if applicable), current address (and address at time of birth if different), date of birth, place of birth (town if within UK), or country if abroad and occupation 
  • The father's forename(s), surname, current address if not married to the mother, date of birth, place of birth (town if within UK, or country if abroad and occupation
  • Although not essential, it will help with the accuracy of the information if you could bring either your passport, ID card, birth certificates, deed polls or any marriage or civil partnership certificates

What happens during the appointment

You will be asked to check the paper copy of the registration before signing. It is important that you check all the information on the document before signing, paying careful attention to the spelling of names and places as well as dates.

It is your responsibility to make sure all information is correct before signing. Once you have signed the register entry it becomes a legal document. If any error is noticed after signing, a correction would then be required. National fees apply for corrections (£83 to £99). A fee of £44 is also payable for adding to a child’s forename(s) following registration.


Birth certificates cost £12.50 each. 

If you are registering a birth with us, you can pay and receive your certificates during your appointment. Please note we can only accept payments by card.

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