Last updated:

28th May 2024

Booking our ceremony room

Our Ceremony Room

Wokingham Ceremony Room

We have a ceremony room which is available for booking 7 days a week. The room can accommodate a couple and a maximum of 26 guests.

Photos and video recording

Before the ceremony, the Superintendent Registrar will discuss arrangements with the photographer/ video operator.

We are happy for a professional photographer or 1 designated guest to take pictures during the ceremony as long as it's not disruptive. Using a flash is discouraged. Any group photography is done at the end of the ceremony. Once the photographer is finished the rest of the guests can take photos.

Video recording of the ceremony will be permitted as long as it's not disruptive. 

Music and flowers

You can provide your own flowers which can be delivered on the day or use the silk flower pedestals provided.

If you would like music for your ceremony you can bring your own music device to be operated by a guest.

Fees for ceremonies in our Ceremony Room

(All fees include the price of one certificate.)

  • Monday to Thursday - £196.50 (4.30pm to 8pm - £351.50)
  • Friday - £341.50 (4.30pm to 8pm - £401.50)
  • Saturday - £391.50
  • Sunday and Bank Holiday - £546.50

Book now

Book our ceremony room

What happens after booking

You'll receive:

  • A letter confirming details of your booking
  • Information about your legal requirement to give notice
  • A wedding pack including a detail form that allows you to personalise your ceremony.

Readings booklet

Read our Suggested readings for your ceremony (PDF document) for inspiration

On the day

  • Before the ceremony starts the Registrar or Civil Partnership Officer will need to check that the details given during the 'legal notice' appointment are updated
  • If you prefer, each person can be interviewed separately to avoid seeing each other before the ceremony
  • If you choose to be interviewed together, arrive 15 minutes before the ceremony is due to start
  • If you choose to be interviewed separately, partner 1 arrives 20 minutes before, and partner 2 arrives 10 minutes before  
  • No documentation is required at this stage
  • Food or alcoholic drinks are not allowed in the Ceremony Room 
  • No guests will be allowed to take a drink with them into the wedding room
  • The signing of the schedule is done in the Ceremony Room - both partners sign with their usual pre-ceremony signature, not with any new surname

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