Last updated:
8th August 2023
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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period.
Drug and alcohol services
See notes
1. A comprehensive list of the organisations commissioned by the council to provide drug and alcohol services.
Cranstoun Wokingham
2. For each organisation, from the service specification between the council and the provider, please provide the following:
a) Start and end dates of the contract.
• Cranstoun
Start: 01/04/2021
End: 31/03/2026 with an option to extend by 2x 1-year periods subject to performance
• DrugFam
Start: 01/04/2021
End: 31/03/2024 with an option to extend by 2 years subject to performance
b) A comprehensive list of the services that each organisation is commissioned by the council to provide.
• Cranstoun
1. Early intervention, prevention, and assertive outreach
2. Comprehensive assessment of client needs, care planning, co-ordination, pathways and review
3. Harm reduction: specialist needle exchange; pharmacy needle exchange; naloxone overdose prevention
4. Structured psychosocial interventions
5. Freedom from dependence on alcohol
6. Access to residential detoxification, treatment and aftercare
7. Family support, including a focus on safeguarding children, families, adults with care and support needs and carers
8. Recovery and aftercare support
9. Effective user and carer involvement
10. Support to access employment, training, education and volunteering
11. Support to access and sustain suitable accommodation
12. Interventions aimed at improving mental and physical health and wellbeing
13. Drug and alcohol behaviour change digital approach
14. Blood-borne virus testing including HIV, Hepatitis B/C
15. A dedicated and separate service for young people under 18 (Here4YOUth)
• DrugFam
1. Facilitate weekly support group sessions within a confidential, caring environment within the Wokingham Borough
2. Provide additional support to service users via telephone, email and one to one video meetings where required
3. Ensure that all eligible service users within the Borough have access to the level of support they require.
4. Advertise, publish and make widely available information that clearly informs people who may wish to use the service, when this service is available and how it can be accessed
5. Work with other partners to signpost people they are supporting to access the most appropriate services which fall outside of their remit
6. Provide educational literature and support to residents within the Borough who access the service
7. Hold quarterly bereavement support workshops where residents who have been affected by bereavement can meet with others affected by bereavement through addiction
8. Ensure collaborative working with partners including the Provider of the Community Substance Misuse service.
3. For the listed services above, which of these has associated KPIs? If so, what are they?
See below. Please note that the services have additional associated outcome measures.
• Cranstoun
1. Comprehensive assessment of client needs, care planning, co-ordination, pathways and review
a. Average waiting time between referral and assessment
b. Waiting times from assessment to treatment (adults, children and young people)
2. Effective user and carer involvement
a. % users issued with satisfaction survey
b. % customer reports Good or higher satisfaction
c. % of upheld complaints/safeguarding issues/incidents including grievances and whistleblowing
d. % successful case closures where customer reports Good or higher satisfaction in outcome
• DrugFam
1. Facilitate weekly support group sessions within a confidential, caring environment within the Wokingham Borough
a. Number of residents attending & length of time attending
b. Deliver a weekly support group
2. Provide additional support to service users via telephone, email and one to one video meetings where required
a. 1:1 support is delivered to residents
b. Telephone and email support is available to residents 9am-9pm 7 days a week
3. Ensure that all eligible service users within the Borough have access to the level of support they require
a. Demographic breakdown of residents receiving support by age, disability and ethnicity.
b. Number of residents with complex cases that required specialist support and intervention.
c. The service will consult with residents about service development and improvements at least every 6 months
d. Resident satisfaction surveys completed
4. Advertise, publish and make widely available information that clearly informs people who may wish to use the service, when this service is available and how it can be accessed
a. Provider will advertise the service to ensure people are aware of the support available
5. Hold quarterly bereavement support workshops where residents who have been affected by bereavement can meet with others affected by bereavement through addiction
a. The service will hold support group/s for those who have lost someone through substance misuse
6. Ensure collaborative working with partners including the Provider of the Community Substance Misuse service.
a. Provider to establish and develop strong networking relationships with key agencies
b. The service will seek feedback from stakeholders annually
4. For the listed services above, are there payment by results outcomes for any of them? If so, what are they?