Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Placement with Parent (Reg 17) & Connected Person (Reg 24)

Request ID
Date Received

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Cohort: Children with the Legal Status 'C1 Interim Care Order' and Placement Code of 'P1 - Placed with Parent, however where the parent is unable to provide full time care (for example, as a result of working a double digit number of night shifts a month) requiring the child to be regularly cared for by another adult and to move between the two addresses. No Section 38(6) Children Act 1989 direction made by the Court.

1. I would like to know if at Wokingham in order for permission from the Local Authority to be given to a Connected Person to provide care in their own home to a Looked After Child for approximately 10 nights per month a Positive Viability Assessment is first required?

2. I would like to know if at Wokingham a Connected Person providing care in their home to a Looked After Child approximately 10 nights per month would be required to be approved as a temporary foster carer (pursuant to Regulation 24 of the ‘Care Planning, Placement and Case Review Regulations 2010) following a Positive Viability Assessment?

3. Whilst perhaps an unusual arrangement, I understand it is possible for the Placement with Parent Regulations to run alongside Reg 24? For example, it is possible that the Placement with Parents Regulation and the Fostering Service Regulations may operate in tandem, where a child may live with foster carers during the week and return to a parent at weekends, or during a programme of increasing staying cojntact leading to reunification.

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