Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

IHRA Definition

Request ID
Date Received

See notes


a) If the IHRA Definition has been adopted by the Council since 1 May 2022. If so, please provide the date that the motion/decision to do so was approved and provide a copy of the relevant motion/minutes/policy document or a working link if it is available on your website.
See for more information about the IHRA Definition and the IHRA statement on the integrality of the examples.
b) If the IHRA Definition has been adopted, was the IHRA Definition adopted in its entirety including all of the examples?
c) If all of the examples were not adopted, which ones were adopted?
d) If the IHRA Definition has not been adopted at all, was there a motion/decision to adopt the IHRA Definition which was defeated, and if so on what date was it defeated?
e) If the IHRA Definition has not yet been adopted, has adoption been timetabled?

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