Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Looked after children (under 16 years old) in residential care

Request ID
Date Received

See notes


1. Can you please explain your commissioning processes for providers of accommodation and/or support in respect to looked after children (under 16 years old) in residential care. Do you spot purchase, have framework agreements or have block contracts in each of these categories?

2. Can you please confirm whether there is currently an identified need for placing children under 16 years old in the Wokingham Borough Council's area?

3. If a new private residential children's home provider who has registered with OFSTED and met compliance and all other requirements were to provide services in the Wokingham Borough Council area, would the council and children's services be welcoming of such a service being provided by a new provider, or have all the needs been met by the current private suppliers of residential children's homes?

4. What are the contact details of the children's commissioning service (under 16 years of age) for Wokingham Borough Council? Please provide an email address and phone number.

5. Who is the best point of contact for enquiries about residential children's care home services in Wokingham Borough Council? Please provide their contact details (email and phone number).

6. How many council owned children's homes currently operate in the area of Wokingham Borough Council?

7. How many privately owned children's homes currently operate in the area of Wokingham Borough Council?

8. If you have framework agreements and/or block contracts for accommodation and/or support in respect to looked after children in residential care, please specify when each of these are due to be re-tendered.

9. Do organisations need to go through a pre-registration process to accommodate looked after children in residential care on a spot purchase basis?

10. Do you have local authority run provisions for looked after children/accommodation of children under 16 years old in residential care? If so, how many of each category are currently accommodated in these facilities?

11. Please specify the number of looked after children in residential care accommodated currently via:
a) spot purchase
b) framework agreements
c) block contracts

12. How many children aged under 16 years old and specified in the answer to question 4 are accommodated in all residential children's homes in Wokingham Borough Council's area?

13. What is the 2023/24 average weekly cost of placing a looked after child aged under 16 years old in a private residential children's home?

14. Who should be approached within the council to discuss spot purchase commissioning, service provision, rates and referrals for accommodating looked after children under 16 years old in residential children's homes? Who is the specific named point of contact?

15. Please can you provide me with a list of all of your current suppliers signed up to framework agreements/block purchase contracts for accommodating looked after children in residential care?

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