Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Temporary accommodation spend

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Can you provide a breakdown of how much the council has spent on temporary accommodation in each of the last five financial years up to 2024 (2019/20-2023/24), broken down by provider. By provider I mean the company contracted to provide this accommodation (of any type - hotel, b and b, caravan, private rented sector etc) to the council as part of its housing duty. If the council has procured this accommodation from more than 5 providers in any given year, can you limit your search to the 5 companies that have received the most funding from the council.

We have done the top five providers as we use more than five in each of the financial years.

Equinox: £275,000
Housing Genie: £103,868
Housing Network: £96,826.80
Hanningtons: £67,215
Crown Lodge Guest House: £44,090.10

Equinox: £275,000
Housing Network: £193,882
Hanningtons: £122,705
Berkshire Rooms: £43,720
Fraser Nash: £38,279

Housing Network: £280,190
Martin & Co: £208,136.95
Duckquiff Ltd: £112,375
Brightway Community Care: £54,750
Equinox: £45,833.34

Duckquiff Ltd: £239,939
Housing Network: £204,981.60
Hanningtons: £84,792
Martin Conway: £47,931.79
Fraser Nash: £45,319.44

Housing Network: £61,950
Duckquiff Ltd: £56,370
Martin Conway: £22,686
Fraser Nash: £12,372.40
Hanningtons: £7,550

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