Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Disposal of carpets and other textile flooring materials

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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See notes

1. How many Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) do you operate in total and out of these how many accept carpets and other textile flooring materials (underlay, rugs, mats, covers) from:
a) Residents only
b) Commercial operators only
c) Residents and commercial operators
Answer: C – 2 HWRCs operated (for re3). Both accept carpets

2. How are carpets and other textile flooring materials managed and stored at HWRCs?
a) In a separate sheltered container
b) In a separate un-sheltered container
c) Mixed in with mattresses and other bulky household waste
d) Mixed in with residual and black bag waste
Other – Mixed in with mattresses, bulky waste, residual waste and black bag waste.

3. How are carpets and other textile flooring materials disposed of from HWRCs?
a) Sent for recycling
b) Sent for landfill
c) Sent for incineration for energy recovery (please specify type - RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) or SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel))
Other – Mixture of landfill and incineration

4. Do you provide residents with a bulky household waste collection service, and does this service accept carpets and other textile flooring materials?

5. How are carpets and other textile flooring materials collected via the bulky household waste service disposed of?
a) Sent for recycling
b) Sent for landfill
c) Sent for incineration for energy recovery (please specify type - RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) or SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel))
Other – Mixture of landfill and incineration

6. Do you collect, record and report data and information on carpets and other textile flooring materials collected at both HWRCs and via the bulky household waste service?
Bulky Waste: No

7. If yes, is this data and information broken down by material type and recorded using the government database WasteDataFlow?
No data about carpets is recorded on Waste Data Flow.

8. Does your authority have plans to revise how carpets and other textile flooring materials are collected, stored and/or disposed of in the next 12 months?
No. (But we keep options under review).

9. If yes, please give details about how you plan to revise these processes.

10. What are your authorities’ biggest challenges in accepting and processing carpets and other textile flooring materials?
a) Storage space and bulky nature of materials
b) Limited recycling and disposal options
c) Cost of processing these materials
d) All the above
Answer: D

11. Where possible, please provide URLs for pages on your website which provide relevant information about HWRCs, a bulky household waste collection service and/or any other resources relating to the disposal of carpets and other textile flooring materials.

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