Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Wokingham Children's Services

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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In light of S.77 of the Serious Crime Act 2015, and the associated Statutory Guidance,

1. Can you please provide documentation showing Wokingham Children's Services policy and procedure to ensure their professionals are aware and alive to the perpetrator tactics in cases where controlling and coercive behaviours may be present and the policy and procedure to documenting and appropriately safeguarding against this taking place.
Threshold guidance:
DASH Checklist:

2. I'd also be grateful for documentation relating to the training and frequency of training/refreshers, etc. in relation to this subject that all staff at Wokingham Children's Services receive.

Regarding training we have the following all include sections on coercive and controlling behaviour:
• Joint Safeguarding Awareness e-learning – Available continuously mandatory for all WBC staff, including agency, casual and volunteers’ renewal every 2 years Only qualified social workers are exempt from this training. Mandatory
• Children’s Universal Safeguarding e-learning – Available continuously mandatory for all Children’s Services staff. Target audience WBC staff and organisations in the voluntary community or public sector who provide services to children including hospitals, schools, other education settings, police and voluntary/community groups.
• Domestic Abuse General Awareness e-Learning – Available continuously Target Audience All WBC staff
• Prevent General Awareness – Available continuously - mandatory for ALL staff, including agency workers to complete this renewal every 3 years. Completion by casual staff and volunteers is not mandatory and is at the discretion of your manager, depending on role.
• Safeguarding Children Level 2 virtual & f2f sessions – Part of rolling programme - Target Audience WBC Children's services staff (mandatory training every 3 years) and organisations involved with providing services to children - from hospitals and schools to police and voluntary groups. This course is aimed at groups and organisations in the voluntary and community/public sector. They are for all staff and volunteers who have regular contact with children, young people or their families, whether they work in a paid or unpaid capacity.
• DASH training – Part of rolling programme – Target Audience all ASC and CSC social workers.

We also have other training sessions and webinars throughout each training programme year some recent or new titles include:
• Exploring the links between domestic abuse and sexual violence and abuse
• Impact of Imprisonment on families affected by domestic abuse – how prisoners may seek to continue their control.
• Emerging forms of Coercive Control
• Reframing Child to Parent Violence: Explosive and Controlling Impulses in Pre-Adolescent Children
• Understanding and Responding to Complex Safeguarding: Issues and Dilemmas Webinar Series
• Cut it Out – Domestic Abuse e-learning – Target Audience Those working in Hairdressing & Beauty, Trade, Fitness and Hospitality industries.
For many victims of domestic abuse, locations such as hairdressers, barbers, beauty salons, gym, leisure facilities and hospitality environments are safe spaces where they are at ease, with stylists they trust and can confide in. Those in the trade industry are also in the unique position of regularly working in homes where they may recognise signs of domestic abuse.
This awareness training has been created in partnership between domestic abuse organisations and the police to help professionals recognise the signs and symptoms that abuse may be happening and how to respond to these situations.
It is suitable for all those with the potential to come into contact with people affected by domestic abuse at home, in the community or at work.

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