Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Enquires

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we request access to the following information. Regarding your recent award and usage of the decarbonisation funds, provisioned under the “Social Housing Decarbonisation fund (All Waves), please kindly provide:

1. Detailed datasets outlining how the decarbonisation funds have been allocated and spent within your council.
The council has spent £104’000 issued against invoicing to date from Eon as the primary contractor; of this value £52’000 was covered by existing Tenant Services capital funding and £52’000 was covered by drawn-down grant money.

2. Information on the entities and service providers with whom these funds were spent.
Eon is the primary scheme contractor.

3. Details on the services procured using the decarbonisation funds.
Services procured include retrofit assessment work, EPC evaluations, pre-installation work, PAS2035 compliance and installation of energy efficiency measures such as Loft Insulation, Cavity Wall Insulation & Flat roof insulation.

4. Copies of retrofit assessments and observations made by retrofit analysts during projects under these funds, redacted of any personal information. Copies should ideally include samples of comments and notes made by stakeholders, to aid in assessing the type of information required.
This Information is commercially sensitive (section 43) in nature in that it pertains to a current and ongoing commercial contract and so cannot be disclosed. In addition to the commercially sensitive nature of this information, it’s release could represent a GDPR issue since it relates to tenant’s homes and their responses to this scheme against specific addresses.

5. Documentation on the guidance and criteria followed by retrofit coordinators when approving the use of decarbonisation funds, particularly under PAS 2035 for the commercial, private, and public-sector built environments.
Guidance and criteria for use of funds under the SHDF wave 2.1 scheme can be found online on as already publicly available via the following webpage link: Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Wave 2.1: Competition Guidance Notes (

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