Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Dogs in local authority shelters

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

We are researching the welfare and outcomes of dogs in local authority shelters (sometimes termed ‘pounds’), including euthanasia. We request the following information. For each of the last 3 years (2021, 2022, 2023), please provide the following information:

1. The number of dog places that you have available at any one time in your shelter(s) or pound(s)

2. The number of dogs that have spent any time in your dog shelter(s) or pound(s).

3. The number of stray dogs that have entered a shelter/pound(s)

4. The number of dogs that have entered a shelter/pound(s) that were seized for welfare reasons

5. The number of dogs that have entered a shelter/pound(s) that were seized for human safety reasons

6. The number of dogs that have entered a shelter/pound(s) that were relinquished

7. The top 3 breeds of the dogs that entered the shelter/pound(s) plus amount of each breed

8. The number of dogs that were rehomed directly from your shelter

9. The number of dogs that were moved to another rehoming centre (e.g. run by a charity) in the UK/Ireland and abroad

10. The average length of stay of dogs in your shelter/pound(s)

11. The number of each type of breed of dog that were euthanased.

12. Do you have any written policies on

13. Welfare of the dogs in your shelter/pound(s), including requirements for exercise, enrichment, formal behavioural assessment? Yes/ No (If yes, please provide)

14. Euthanasia of dogs in your shelter/pound(s)? Yes/ No (If yes, please provide)

15. Please provide your most recent inspection report including the recommendations for improvement

16. Please provide the Full Time Equivalent staff and level of formal training of the staff that work in your shelter/pound(s)

We do not own any shelters or pounds.

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