Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Use of shipping containers or similar, or caravan parks for temporary, interim or emergency housing support

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Does your local authority use converted shipping containers, or similar structures, as 'temporary', 'interim' or 'emergency' accommodation?
Although our current construction portfolio does not include shipping container homes, we have strategically chosen to employ modern methods of construction, opting for the utilisation of modular homes instead which may be considered as a similar structure.

Please answer questions 2 to 5 if your authority does use shipping containers or similar structures as temporary accommodation:

a) How many were in use in the past 12 months from April 2023?

b) Please provide the same figures for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, if available.
Only went live in December 2023 whereby 6 were in use and then from April 23 to end of financial year, 18 modular homes were bought online.

3. How many (a) individuals and (b) families with children are currently being supported in this type of temporary accommodation?
18 households with children.

4. What is your policy for the maximum length of time that anyone being assisted by your authority should be kept in this type of accommodation?
Up to 1 year.

5. What is the longest amount of time an (a) individual or (b) a family has been housed in this type of accommodation?
26/12/2022 – seeking possession of this property hence being over maximum length of occupancy; next longest is 16/10/2023.

6. Please outline how many people being supported by your authority in this manner are care leavers, if that information is available.

7. Does your local authority make use of caravan parks, either private or council owned, to house individuals or families, as a form of temporary housing?

a) How many sites are currently being used?
Not applicable.

b) How many individual units is this?
Not applicable.

9. How many (a) individuals or (b) family groups are currently being supported in this way?
Not applicable.

10. Please outline how many people being supported by your authority in this manner are care leavers, if that information is available.
Not applicable.

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