Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Local cycling and walking infrastructure plans

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Date Resolved

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I would like to request the following information relating to the local cycling and walking infrastructure plans which proposed a partial one-way Woodlands Avenue and additional provisions between Woodley town centre and Church Road, Anderson Avenue or Culver Lane in Earley:

1. Who made the decision to progress the Woodley / Reading active travel route and when?
An initial engagement exercise was undertaken in spring 2021 on three scheme proposals that were identified as strategic connections within our emerging (at that time) Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. A survey was used as the primary means of gathering people’s views on the scheme proposals with 684 responses received in total. Respondents were not required to express preference between the three schemes but based on the responses for each proposal the Woodley to Reading Active Travel Route was highlighted as the scheme with the most significant impact on reducing car dependency and increasing bike use. Based on the findings of the initial consultation and a Value for Money analysis, an Individual Executive Member Decision (IEMD) was made by Executive Member for Highways and Transport at the time, Pauline Jorgensen, on 8th July 2021 approving continued development of the Woodley to Reading Active Travel Route.

2. What was the cost to create the route design documents and artists impressions?
£3,800 for the artistic impressions, £9,637 for the Phase 1 Alternative Designs Options report, £69,605 PJA consultants for all preliminary designs to date. This was funded by the Active Travel Fund which is ringfenced solely for this project.

3. What was the cost to undertake the physical site surveys including locating/marking utilities on Woodlands Avenue and surrounding roads in late 2021 / early 2022?
£29,280 Utility surveys (Geotec Surveys), £1,970 Arboriculturist (LandArb Solutions), £13,720 topographical surveys, £8,480 traffic surveys. This was funded by the Active Travel Fund which is ringfenced solely for this project.

4. What was the cost to implement, undertake and analyse the results of the resident consultation survey in early 2022?
The implementation and analysis were undertaken internally. For the printing and distribution of posters and letters regarding the 2nd consultation £500. This was funded by the Active Travel Fund which is ringfenced solely for this project.

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