Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Drop kerb application

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

Dropped kerb at [Redacted] Moor Copse Close.

1. An explanation to how the drop kerb was given permission including all officer and any other relevant reports, including specific assessment against criteria in the Council’s ‘Domestic Vehicle Crossover application pack’ document (list on page 4-6) and why approval was given (presumably ‘on balance’) given the number of criteria not met in this case.
The applicant provided specific additional information and mitigation in support of their application for a dropped kerb. This was escalated internally and, given the circumstance and the minimal impact on the remainder of Moor Copse, it was agreed that departure from policy was acceptable in this instance.

2. Clarity on the decision process, including any changes to the decision from submission of the initial application and why the decision may have changed during the process
Please see response to question 1.

3. Confirmation of officers involved in the assessment, and reassessments of the application, including the officer who made any initial decision and the officer who made the final decision / recommendation, including their positions and remit, and any committee (if relevant) who agreed the decision along with members who agreed this
Edward Day – Traffic Manager – Responsible for Streetworks, Traffic Management, Traffic Signals
Malcolm Pinto - Head of Development, Delivery and Engineering
Ian Haller - Head of Operational Highways and Major Projects
Decision was made at the Highways Infrastructure Board, an internal operational meeting.

4. The date of receipt of the application, date of final decision and date WBC contractors were given instruction to commence.
Date initial application admin fee sent: 20/02/2018
Date additional application Acknowledged: 28/12/2023
Date final decision made: 04/03/2024
Date contractors where given instruction: 02/04/2024

5. Confirmation of whether, in determining the application, reference was made to the link with [redacted] at the address, whether members of any committee (if decided at a committee) were made aware of this link and if not, why this link was not considered relevant, being mindful of the reasons for refusal of this planning application
There was no link between any committee and the applicant. The highways aspect of the case is considered entirely separately to any planning applicant.

6. Confirm any known link between the residents of [redacted] Moor Copse Close and any officer or member of the Council
There is no known link between the applicant and officers/members of the Council

7. Confirm if any complaint / appeal about an initial refusal for the drop kerb was made by the applicant and if so, how was this dealt with? Please include copies of the complaint.
We cannot provide personal correspondence between the applicant and the Council due to the personal nature of the correspondence.

8. Confirmation of any Councillor involvement in this matter and whether they were provided with updates on the progress and process of the application and if not, why not.
Cllr S Newton made enquiries about this application and was provided with updates. Regrettably, a final communication to Cllr Newton was delayed until after the dropped kerb was installed. This was an error on behalf

9. A list of all drop kerb applications (addresses) received in the 2023-24 financial year, the decision for each and a list of the criteria from the Council’s ‘Domestic Vehicle Crossover application pack’ document (list on pages 4-6) that each failed to meet.
Please see attached file

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