Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Transport and planning

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Please provide a link to any planning applications which have been granted since January 1st 2021 for housing sites of 1,000 dwellings or more.
The only scheme that has a resolution to grant for over 1000 dwellings is located in South Wokingham, planning ref: 191068. However this is still under negotiation so does not have planning consent. Details of all planning applications can be accessed online by following links at

The council’s Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement contains details of all sites with planning permissions at 31 March 2022, and includes details of strategic scale permissions granted under the adopted Core Strategy local plan. This can be download online by following links at

2. Please provide any standard documentation which is issued by the Local Planning Authority to developers for guidance on designing housing site proposals.
Wokingham Borough Council provides guidance on its website. These are publicly available and can be found at: Adopted planning guidance (

3. Please outline how internal highway networks are agreed with developers. In particular, specifics around:
The Council offers guidance on its website much of which is captured in national guidance like Manual for Streets. In recent years, other guidance has been published so Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) is in the process of reviewing this alongside the Local Plan Update.
a) Road hierarchy (how is this identified (AADT, etc?); how is active travel dealt with; are there set design tiers)
WBC continues to use Manual for Streets and is exploring guidance to align street hierarchy around severance, which is considered in both Design Manual for Roads & Bridges and Local Transport Note (LTN) 1/20.
b) Shared surfaces (When are these requested? Is there a limit to the number of dwellings they serve?)
WBC responds to (pre-)application designs and takes a balanced approach relative to advice in Manual for Streets, which considers shared surfaces relative to traffic flows.
c) Cycle infrastructure (when is dedicated cycle infrastructure required? Are there local design standards in place? Is there focus on connecting to existing networks; how is cycle parking dealt with?)
WBC is exploring guidance to cost effectively balance to meet LTN1/20 whilst respecting the physical/environmental constraints that may exist in the existing highway network.
d) Pedestrian provision including crossing points (outline the conditions for internal development crossings – local centres, schools, critical mass etc)
WBC is exploring guidance to manage the adverse effects of severance on communities, whilst respecting the physical, environmental and economic constraints that require the Council to focus investment in the areas of greatest need, particularly for home to school travel.
e) Electric vehicle charging provision (When are communal charging areas requested; when are chargers requested for each dwelling, any other comment)
WBC has embraced Part S of the Building Regulations and is exploring guidance and infrastructure for existing streets.

4. Please outline how provision for public transport is accommodated for new development sites where public transport provision is required within the site itself. Is there a trigger point for public transport provision to be implemented? How are requirements for public transport decided?
There are no hard and fast rules for requiring a public transport strategy to support development scales, but it is usually applied for more strategic scales of development, typically in excess of 5-700 dwellings. Our core strategy defines what the council regards as good Public transport provision.
a) How are public transport stop/shelter locations and specifications within development sites decided?
WBC has guidance on bus stops adopting a gold, silver, bronze standard for facilities relative to demand and expects to review this, responding to changing technology and viability. We generally aim for 400m distance to stops.
b) At what stage are public transport operators involved, and does this directly influence build-out phasing?
There are no hard and fast rules that dictate a need to prepare/produce a public transport strategy for strategic developments, as this may vary relative to the location. WBC has strong working relationships with local service providers and directs developer’s consultants to engage as appropriate, particularly where service viability is likely to be challenging.

5. Is public transport provision prioritised in any way in the highway, for new residential developments?
Whilst WBC might like all masterplans to include a movement framework to explore links to existing active travel corridors and, where appropriate, a co-ordinated public transport strategy, the Council must balance a range of priorities and some masterplans take a landscape led approach and a balance is explored through pre-application discussion.

6. Is active travel prioritised in any way for new housing development sites?
Yes, permeability and continuity of routes is important to connect communities and facilities. It is also the reason WBC is taking steps to help developers/promoters to respond to and address severance.
7. Please indicate if all new development sites install infrastructure for active travel which is compliant with LTN 1/20.
Generally, yes but many developments currently being built were approved before the guidance came into being so a proportionate and balanced approach is being applied relative to the timeline of application/consents.

8. Please provide commentary on how needs for community facilities are identified to be delivered as part of a residential planning application. This could include schools, shops, local centre, parks/play equipment, office facilities, places of worship etc.
The Managing Development Delivery (MDD) local plan sets a number of standards for development, including standards relating to open space, sport and recreation facilities (Policy TB08). The requirement for additional school places is established through engagement with the council’s Education Team. Where a planned development is of sufficient scale to require the creation of a new school, the council requires land to be reserved to enable delivery. Strategic scale development is also expected to make suitable provision for local services, including shops, as a key aspect of place making. Direct provision or funds to enable delivery of new or improved facilities is secured via CIL and/or a S106 planning obligation. The council’s planning service works with other council services and stakeholders to facilitate delivery.

9. Has the Local Authority utilised its powers of compulsory purchase in order to construct an active or sustainable travel project.

10. Please provide any monitoring reports from where Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, modal filters, ‘Mini Holland’, 15-minute neighbourhood or similar interventions have been implemented in order to reduce carborne trips.

11. Has your Local Authority area declared a carbon emergency?

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