Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Councillor Training

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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Please provide me with the latest or most recent copy of by PDF or doc.

1. Your most recent published or otherwise councillor training or induction programme or schedule including seminars, workshops eLearning etc
Please see attached, this is the Councillor Induction programme for May to June 2024. We are in the process of developing a longer term programme which will span across the next two years.

2. Your councillor training, development strategy or plan or policy
We do not currently have a Member Development Strategy in place, but this is a priority and will be developed in the coming months. We will be placing a particular focus on online sessions and training and utilising as many cost-neutral options as far as possible to keep costs minimal. This will include in-house delivered training as well as our developed offer of on-line training modules ‘MyLearning’.

3. Any report of wholistic or groups needs analysis of councillor training developed i.e. where you have scoped and analysed councillor training needs either as individuals or as a whole. Where there is none in the last five years, (April 2019 to April 2024) please state this.
Across the last two years we have requested feedback from councillors on the development sessions that have been delivered and on the induction programme. Prior to that I am not aware of any other analysis.

4. A copy of your new councillor induction or welcome pack if any.
All of our induction material is on a Councillor SharePoint site, rather than a pack as such.

5. The budget over the last two financial years for Councillor training.
£4k per municipal year

6. The Job description of any officer responsible for council development or training
Head of Democratic & Electoral Services, Job Description attached.

7. The most recent list of publications, guidance notes for councillors available.
We are encouraging Members to access LGA resources: Councillor hub | Local Government Association
As stated above, we are in the process of developing our Councillor Development programme.

8. A copy of the proforma which may be used to develop or identify councillors’ own development needs i.e. by completing a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) or undertaking a Personal Development Review (PDR) or Personal Training Programme (PTP) Or Similarly named document used to identify individual training needs.
We will be developing this.

9. The most recent quality assurance or feedback report of the quality of the programmes being develop or delivered i.e. what do councillors think of the quality and relevance of the training provided. Where there is none in the last five years, (April 2019 to April 2024) please state this
We do not hold a formal record of this, but we have invited feedback in an informal way which we have then used to inform future planning of sessions.

10. Any other document which identifies positively, through awards or accolades or positive articles or press releases the type and scope of training and induction you provide to councillors (Please use your discretion, I am looking for best practice)
We do not have any of these

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