Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Care home fees for older person care.

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

1. Please provide a copy of your 2024 to 2025 fee uplift letter that was sent to care providers. If you have not reported a 2024-25 fee uplift, please outline your timeline and process for doing so.
Sample letter as attached.

2. Please confirm the date when the local authority/Cabinet agreed or made the decision to proceed with the fee uplift for care providers for the 2024/25 financial year.
15th March 2024

3. Please confirm the date this decision on the fee uplift for the 2024/25 financial year was officially communicated to the providers.
Most letters were sent during the first week of April 2024.

4. Please provide your 2024 to 2025 weekly base* fee rates for the following care types:
a) Nursing (Excl. FNC): £1000 cap
b) Nursing with Dementia (Excl. FNC): £1000 cap,
c) Residential (without nursing): £925 cap
d) Residential (without nursing) with Dementia: £950 cap

5. Please provide your average weekly fee rate (being the average weekly fee paid during the period 1st April 2023 to March 31st 2024 ) for the following care types:
a) Nursing (Excl. FNC)
b) Nursing with Dementia (Excl. FNC)
c) Residential (without nursing)
d) Residential (without nursing) with Dementia:
This information will not be available until later in the year, likely to be published in/around October 2024

6. Please provide your provisional average weekly fee rate (calculated consistently with the rate in the question above) for the period 2024-2025 for the following care types:
a) Nursing (Excl. FNC)
b) Nursing with Dementia (Excl. FNC)
c) Residential (without nursing)
d) Residential (without nursing) with Dementia
Unable to calculate at this time (as per response to question 5)

7. Please confirm if your authority requires or provisions for care providers to pay care staff a rate higher than the National Living Wage, and when this policy was implemented.

8. For the period 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024, please provide the number of individual residents, where their contracts for the provision of Older Person Services for both residential care and nursing care were either terminated by the care provider, handed back by the care provider, or were renegotiated due to the threat or notice of termination/handing back was made by the care provider. You should provide the number of residents this applies to and the number of care providers.
6 packages across 2 providers

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