Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Suicide Audit

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

This response is on behalf of all 6 local authorities in Berkshire (West Berkshire, Reading, Wokingham, Bracknell Forest, RBWM and Slough Councils), as our approach to suicide prevention is governed pan Berkshire.
1. Has your authority undertaken a suicide audit in the last five years (2019 -2023)? Yes or No. (If yes please see 1.a, If no please see 1.d) No (last audit 2018)
a. If yes, is this available in the public domain? Yes or No. (If yes please see 1.b, if no please see 1.c)
b. If yes, please provide a web link to the report for us to access.
c. If no, please attach the latest report from your authority.
d. If you have not undertaken a suicide audit in the last 5 years please provide the reasons for not undertaking the audit? E.g., lack of capacity, lack of expertise, difficulty in accessing data, lack of cooperation from the Coroner’s office. Lack of capacity

2. Has your authority developed a suicide action plan in the last five years (2019 -2023) based on the suicide audit? Yes or No. (If yes please see 2.a, if no – no further action needed) Pan Berkshire strategy and action plan has been developed based on other local and national data and insight, the evidence base and the action plan refreshed in light of the National Strategy publication, LAs are in the process of developing local action plans.
a. If yes, is this available in the public domain? Yes or No. (If yes please see 2.b, If no please see 2.c) Yes
b. If yes, please provide a web link to the action plan for us to access.
Berkshire Suicide Prevention Strategy 2021-2026.pdf (
And action plan
Pan Berkshire Action Plan Final BFC.pdf (
There is also an action from the Pan Berkshire SP Steering Group to publish both on the Berkshire Observatory page Berkshire Observatory – Welcome to the Berkshire Data Observatory in order to cover all areas
c. If no, please attach the latest action plan from your authority.

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