Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Maintenance management systems

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the maintenance systems and associated software used within the local council. I would like to request the following information:

1. The name(s) of the software used for maintenance management systems (Typically known as CMMS, EAM, Asset Management, Facilities Management) within the council.
Property: Civica Property Management (CPM)
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: We use ESRI GIS to map some of our assets
Highways: WDM and AMX

2. The number of users licensed to use the maintenance management system software.
Property: 10 Management Users 75 Self-serve Users Unlimited Contractor Users
Waste / parks and playgrounds team have 1 ESRI user
Highways: WDM – 178 / AMX – 5

3. The annual cost associated with the maintenance management system software.
Property: £30,141.00
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: ESRI ArcGIS annual cost is £37,000
Highways: WDM - £0, part of our larger contract with VolkerHighways / AMX - £7000 + £4055.65 (licence fees)

4. The individual or department responsible for managing and overseeing the maintenance management system software.
Property Management Department
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: IT are responsible for ESRI ArcGIS software support, however the day-to day management and overseeing would sit with the Service.
Highways: WDM – Through our contractors, VolkerHighways / AMX – Highway Structures

5. The expiration date of the current contract(s) for the maintenance management system software.
Property: 30/08/2024
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: ESRI ArcGIS contract expiry date is 30/11/2025
Highways: WDM – 31/03/2026 / AMX – On a rolling contract, renewed annually. No expiry date.

Additionally, I would also like to request information regarding the following:

6. The software used to manage the allocation of equipment within the council, for example lawn mowers, road sweepers, waste collection vehicles.
Property: N/A
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: This is held and managed by our contractors
Highways: WDM - No software assists with the allocation of road sweepers.

7. Additionally, to this, how are the above jobs allocated.
Property: N/A
Street Cleansing: WDM HIMs system
Waste Services: Microsoft Dynamics moving to Netcall
Grounds Maintenance: Netcall
Highways: WDM - Street cleansing task orders go through this system.

8. The software used for maintaining buildings, homes, playgrounds, green spaces & grounds etc. within the local council.
Property: Civica Property Management (CPM) – Corporate Properties only
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: We do not have software for this purpose re. playgrounds & parks & open spaces

9. The software used for registering accidents or damages within all equipment or assets owned or leased within the facility.
Property: Civica Property Management (CPM) – Corporate Properties only.
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: Business World On software is used to log incidents/accidents

10. How failures of equipment, machinery, vehicles, damages to property and supplies are logged within the facility.
Property: Civica Property Management (CPM) – Damage to Corporate Properties only. Entered by Help Desk Team onto software system
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: We do not have software for this purpose for grounds maintenance, street cleansing or waste collection as this is managed by our contractors.

11. Name of software used to ensure equipment, machinery and any other items are fit for use for example periodic testing and calibration, for example fire extinguishers.
Property: Civica Property Management (CPM) – For property related matters only
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: We do not have software for this purpose for grounds maintenance, street cleansing or waste collection

12. With property, how are they maintained, how is the data logged for example testing, alarm checks, inspections of homes and which software is used to support this if any?
Property: Civica Property Management (CPM) Using scheduled inspections (service visits) feeds into property compliance reporting.
Waste / parks and playgrounds team: N/A

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