Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Privately Rented Housing Support for Care Leavers

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. As of 21st March 2024, does your local authority offer to act as a rent guarantor for care-experienced young people (e.g. care leavers) to access when seeking to rent a privately rented property?

2. If ‘Yes’ to Question 1, what is the eligibility criteria for care-experienced young people (e.g. care leavers) to have your local authority act as their rent guarantor?
Not applicable.

3. As of 21st March 2024, does your local authority offer a rent deposit for care-experienced young people (e.g. care leavers) to access when seeking to rent a privately rented property?

4. If ‘Yes’ to Question 3, what is the eligibility criteria for care-experienced young people (e.g. care leavers) to be offered a rent deposit?
This is accessed through the housing team and personal advisors support care leavers to apply.

They need to prove that they have not got the funds for a deposit and sign to say that they will pay this back at £10-£20 per month.

5. If ‘Yes’ to Question 3, are there any limits/restrictions to the amount of rent deposit offered to care-experienced young people?
This is in line with the local housing allowance and up to two months will be covered for a deposit.

6. If your local authority offers to act as a rent guarantor and/or provide rent deposits for care-experienced young people (e.g. care leavers) when seeking to rent a privately rented property, can this be accessed by care-experienced young people from your local authority living out-of-area?
Yes – the rent deposit offer.

7. If you have any published information or data concerning your local authority’s guarantor or deposit scheme as set out above, please can you send it through.

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