Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Payroll, HR and Finance solutions

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

Please provide the following details:

1. What software do you use for your Payroll, HR and Finance solutions, how much annually do you spend on each, when does each contract expire?
Unit 4 BWO.

2. Do you manage your payroll in-house or do you outsource it if so, who do you outsource it to?

3. How many people do you pay each month using your payroll solution?
Around 1550 to 1750.

4. How many pensioners do you pay using your payroll solution?

5. Do you use Microsoft power platform technologies such as Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents?

6. What is the employee count at the council?
Wokingham Borough Council has a headcount of 1421 staff.

Includes staff on the following contracts: Permanent, Fixed Term, Apprentice, Apprentices on Permanent contracts, Staff seconded into a role
Excludes: Casual Workers, Agency Workers, Traded/Partner Workers, Consultants & Suppliers, Students, Volunteers, Staff seconded out of a role

7. Do you collaborate with other organisations in the delivery of HR & Payroll shared services? If so which organisation?

8. Do you work with any industry experts such as ATOS, KPMG, EY, Accenture etc?
KPMG (Auditor)

9. Who at the council is the head of service for HR and Payroll software or services and what is their role?
Sally Halliwell: Head of HR and OD
Mark Thompson: Head of Corporate Finance/Chief Accountant

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