Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Compensation claims - Motorists

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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Please provide me with that information for the following financial years:
a) 2017/18
b) 2018/19
c) 2019/20
d) 2020/21
e) 2021/22
f) 2022/23
g) 2023/24 until 15 March 2024

1. The number of motorists and/or road users who applied to the council for compensation claiming damage to their vehicles/for other harm because of potholes or other road defects
2. The number of motorists and/or road users who successfully obtained compensation from the council following those applications
3. The sum of each payout from the council awarded to each successful applicant
4. And, with it, the sum of all money paid out to successful applicants

Please note that the council records claims data by calendar year and, as such, we have provided the requested information by calendar year.

38 claims from motorists and/or road users for compensation for damage to vehicles and/or personal injuries caused by ‘potholes’ or other road defects were referred to the council’s Insurance Team/Liability Insurers in 2017. Six of these claims have been settled. The amounts of each payout for the year are: £1,539.50, £397.01, £60, £80, £500 and £90.

82 claims from motorists and/or road users for compensation for damage to vehicles and/or personal injuries caused by ‘potholes’ or other road defects were referred to the council’s Insurance Team/Liability Insurers in 2018. 32 of these claims have been settled. The amounts of each payout for the year are: £199, £500, £330, £200, £255, £83.94, £80, £1,712.47, £200, £90, £800, £106.99, £150, £319.24, £325, £250, £250, £298.96, £180, £300, £23,000, £399, £68.74, £120, £242.54, £242.54, £217.88, £218, £7,500, £444.92, £50 and £200.

20 claims from motorists and/or road users for compensation for damage to vehicles and/or personal injuries caused by ‘potholes’ or other road defects were referred to the council’s Insurance Team/Liability Insurers in 2019. Eight of these claims have been settled. The amounts of each payout for the year are: £135, £96.60, £139.99, £286.01, £235.50, £5,395, £495 and £307.99.

45 claims from motorists and/or road users for compensation for damage to vehicles and/or personal injuries caused by ‘potholes’ or other road defects were referred to the council’s Insurance Team/Liability Insurers in 2020. 33 of these claims have been settled. The amounts of each payout for the year are: £333, £5,028, £400.92, £229.89, £499.58, £95.99, £304.57, £166.99, £225, £235.20, £239, £190.00, £1,441.62, £190, £81, £151, £125, £212, £167.99, £270, £63, £358.80, £338, £1,754.78, £120, £96, £22,391, £686.20, £779, £683.38, £632.84, £3,493 and £200.

29 claims from motorists and/or road users for compensation for damage to vehicles and/or personal injuries caused by ‘potholes’ or other road defects were referred to the council’s Insurance Team/Liability Insurers in 2021. Nine of these claims have been settled. The amounts of each payout for the year are: £899.17, £120, £152, £425.55, £228, £610.40, £270, £478.87 and £394.

41 claims from motorists and/or road users for compensation for damage to vehicles and/or personal injuries caused by ‘potholes’ or other road defects were referred to the council’s Insurance Team/Liability Insurers in 2022. 14 of these claims have been settled. The amounts of each payout for the year are: £500, £111.94, £1,246.86, £150.00, £113, £125, £58, £115.20, £115.14, £741.83, £403.20, £300, £85.00 and £1,006.95.

155 claims from motorists and/or road users for compensation for damage to vehicles and/or personal injuries caused by ‘potholes’ or other road defects were referred to the council’s Insurance Team/Liability Insurers in 2023. 44 of these claims have been settled. The amounts of each payout for the year are: £119.11, £134.40, £83.99, £135, £143.99, £95, £725, £234, £91.19, £86.50, £381.90, £187.98, £328, £108.00, £172.10, £69.95, £196.64, £566, £1,475.83, £135.59, £180, £563.09, £1,327.51, £588.17, £116.70, £259, £131.95, £250.99, £350, £125.98, £527, £92, £199, £103.42, £553.08, £199, £207.71, £139.38, £47.98, £300, £144, £222, £304 and £201.95.

46 claims from motorists and/or road users for compensation for damage to vehicles and/or personal injuries caused by ‘potholes’ or other road defects were referred to the council’s Insurance Team/Liability Insurers from January to March 2024. Five of these claims have been settled to date. The amounts of each payout for the year are: £1,108.69, £54, £725.97, £69 and £348.

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