Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

School Absence Fines

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. In your local authority area, please confirm the total number of fines given as a result of absence from mainstream schools, broken down by school type – including primary, secondary and special schools, for the academic years of;
a) 2018/19
Total fines: 980
Primary: 794
Secondary: 186
Special: 0

b) 2021/22
Total fines: 645
Primary: 572
Secondary: 73
Special: 0

c) 2022/23
Total fines: 1242
Primary: 999
Secondary: 243
Special: 0

2. In your local authority, please confirm the total number of individuals in receipt of a fine as a result of absence from mainstream school, broken down by school type - including primary, secondary, and special schools, for the academic years of;
a) 2018/19
Total number of individuals in receipt of a fine: 776
Primary: 607
Secondary: 169
Special: 0

b) 2021/22
Total number of individuals in receipt of a fine: 501
Primary: 437
Secondary: 64
Special: 0

c) 2022/23
Total number of individuals in receipt of a fine: 980
Primary: 768
Secondary: 212
Special: 0

3. In your local authority, please confirm the total number of fines that were paid as a result of absence from mainstream school, broken down by school type - including primary, secondary, and special schools, for the academic years of;
a) 2018/19
Total fines paid: 893
Primary: 734
Secondary: 159
Special: 0

b) 2021/22
Total fines paid: 568
Primary: 512
Secondary: 56
Special: 0

c) 2022/23
Total fines paid: 1143
Primary: 935
Secondary: 208
Special: 0

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