Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Care leavers' home allowance

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and file

Please can you provide information about the care leavers' setting up home allowance (sometimes known as the leaving care grant) in your local authority.

1. On the 1st March 2024, what was the total amount you offered to care leavers for their setting up home allowance/leaving care grant?

2. If on the 1st March 2024 the allowance/grant was less than £3,000, are there plans to increase it to £3,000 in 2024?
Not applicable.

3. If a care leaver has already accessed some or all of their grant/allowance and the amount received was lower than £3000, will they be able to request the uplift / difference between £3000 and what they have already received?
Yes; for young people moving into independent living from when the allowance increase was agreed.

4. Appendix E of the Transitions to Adulthood guidance specifies that all local authorities should have a policy that sets out the level of the setting up home allowance, how it will be used and any conditions for its use reflecting local priorities.
a) Do you have a written policy on the setting up home allowance/leaving care grant ? (please attach a copy)
Yes it’s called the care leaver entitlement/ Local Offer.

b) If yes, when was this policy last reviewed? (date: Month-Year)
We have reviewed this in March 2024 and further review will take place in 2025.

5. Does your local authority pay for any of the following items for care leavers in addition to the setting up home allowance/leaving care grant?
a) Broadband costs: No
b) Carpets: No
c) Cooking equipment: No, see below.
d) First grocery shop: No
e) Furniture: No, see below.
f) House content insurance: No
g) Mobile phone costs: No
h) Redecoration costs of home: No, see below.
i) TV licence: Yes
j) Utility bills: No
k) White goods: No, see below.
i) Other (please describe): We also explore all charities who can help with supporting young people to provide additional items when they move into their first independent accommodation to assist them with making their setting up home allowance stretch further. Charities used are;
Cow shed – Noahs box, curtains and bedding.
Citizens advice – Wokingham charities unite for white goods.

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