Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Number of pupils moved under Fair Access Protocol arrangements

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. The number of pupils who were moved to a different school under Fair Access Protocol (FAP) arrangements in your local authority area in the current academic year (2023/24) and in each academic year since 2018/19. Please provide a breakdown by year.
a) 2018-19: data unavailable
b) 2019-20: data unavailable
c) 2020-21: data unavailable
d) 2021-22: 31
e) 2022-23: 55
f) 2023-24: 20 (as of 06/03/24)

2. The number of pupils who were subject to more than one move between schools under FAP arrangements in the current academic year (2023/24) and in each academic year since 2018/19. Please provide a breakdown by year.
a) 2018-19: data unavailable
b) 2019-20: data unavailable
c) 2020-21: data unavailable
d) 2021-22: 0
e) 2022-23: 0
f) 2023-24: 0

3. A breakdown of the reasons for FAP placements (e.g., exclusion, lack of suitable school place, etc.) for each year.
a) 2018-19: data unavailable
b) 2019-20: data unavailable
c) 2020-21: data unavailable
d) 2021-22: 25 due to lack of school space; 3 reintegration from alternative provision; 1 refused a school space due to challenging behaviour; 2 children who are GRT, refugees or asylum seekers
e) 2022-23: 46 due to a lack of school space; 2 reintegration from alternative provision; 2 children who are GRT, refugees or asylum seekers; 1 child who is a carer; 3 children with medical conditions; 1 previously looked after child
f) 2023-24: 13 due to lack of school space; 4 reintegration from alternative provision; 3 children who are GRT, refugees or asylum seekers

4. A breakdown of the age or year group of the pupils involved in FAP placements for each year.
a) 2018-19: data unavailable
b) 2019-20: data unavailable
c) 2020-21: data unavailable
d) 2021-22: Year 5: 8; Year 6: 8; Year 7: 1; Year 8: 10; Year 9: 1; Year 10: 3
e) 2022-23: Year 1: 1; Year 5: 2; Year 6: 32; Year 7: 9; Year 8: 1; Year 9: 6; Year 10: 4
f) 2023-24: Year 1: 1; Year 2: 1; Year 4: 1; Year 8: 11; Year 9: 1; Year 10: 2; Year 11: 3

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