Last updated:

8th August 2023

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Equality Impact Assessment (EIA) for the new barriers placed on a community path

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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See notes

1. I’d like to request information about an Equality impact assessment for the new barriers placed on a community path in Shinfield to prevent motorcycles from going along the path. I’m interested to understand the impact on wheelchair users and buggies, and what engagement was conducted with groups as part of the equality impact assessment.
No EIA held.

A motorbike inhibitor was installed following numerous reports of motorbikes accessing the footpath and adjacent woodland, sometimes at high speed. The motorbike inhibitor was considered the least restrictive option for legitimate users of the footpath, whilst ensuring that motorbike use is curtailed. Motorbike inhibitors are designed to inhibit motorbikes, whilst allowing access to pedestrians, medium/large mobility vehicles, wheelchairs, and larger buggies.

Engagement with specific user groups did not take place, however, different equality groups were considered as part of the planning stage for the installation of the motorbike inhibitor.

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