Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

# East Lodge, Ludgrove, RG40 3AD

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

The property address is: [redacted], RG40 3AD.

Please can you confirm:

1. Does the property listed above currently have a license under any of the licensing schemes currently operating in Wokingham Borough Council? If there are older, physical paper HMO Licensing records for previous schemes, please check these in addition to checking the digital database monitoring HMO Licensing Records for current schemes.
We can find no licence or any history at all on our system for this address.

2. Has the property listed above ever held a license under any of the licensing schemes currently operating in Wokingham Borough Council? If so:
a) Was the licence application duly made in accordance with the requirements specified by Wokingham Borough Council?
b) If the licence application was refused, what was the date of the refusal?
c) If the licence application was successful, what date was the license granted?
We can find no licence or any history at all on our system for this address.

3. If the property does not currently hold a license has an application:
- For a licence been duly made?
- A Temporary Exemption Notice been duly made?
If so what date was the application made?
Not applicable.

4. If the property does currently hold a license under any of the licensing schemes currently operating in Wokingham Borough Council please can you confirm the date the application was made?
Not applicable.

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