Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Car parking bay sizes

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and file

a) Do you have a standard parking bay size which is in place across your car parks?
Yes. Our existing off street car parks have been marked out using a mix of bay sizes either 2.4m x 4.8m or 2.5m x 5m in line with standards at the time of construction.

b) Are there plans to enlarge the standard parking bay size in car parks?
Yes, The council has revised the recommended standard size from 2.4m x 4.8m to 2.5m x 5m for new car parking spaces. Spaces using the older sizes will be redesigned to include this slightly larger size wherever it is possible.

2. Since 23rd January 2014, how many PCNs have been issued for parking outside of the lines in car parks? Please provide a year-by-year breakdown of the figures. Please provide the value in (£) of the PCNs paid, also providing a year-by-year breakdown
As we only introduced Civil Parking from Oct 2017, we do not hold any records beyond this point. We have issued for Vehicles out of bay and the value of the payments received are shown in the attached by Calendar Year.

a) Are cars exceeding a certain length banned from any of your car parks?
We have a limit on size of vehicle and weight of vehicle allowed to use the car parks these were introduced at different dates as shown below.

b) If size rules are enforced, from what date did the council start doing so.
Since 2017 All motor vehicles whose maximum gross weight exceeds 3000 kilogrammes, except for access.

Since June 2023 All motor vehicles whose maximum length does not exceed 5,00 metres and overall height exceeds 2.10 metres and whose gross weight does not exceed 3050 kilogrammes, except for access.

c) If size rules aren’t enforced, are there plans to do so?
Already in place.

4. How many PCNs have been issued to people for parking these banned cars in car parks since 23rd January 2014? Please provide a year-by-year breakdown of the figures, and provide the value in (£) of the PCNs paid, also providing a year-by-year breakdown.
Since Oct 2017 we have issued for wrong class of vehicle and the value of the payments received are shown in the attached by Calendar Year.

5. What is the total number of PCNs issued in car parks from 23rd January 2014?
Since Oct 2017 we have issued fa total of 63,243 Penalty Notices in our car parks and are shown in the attached by Calendar Year.

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