Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Streetlights and other powered infrastructure locations & energy usage including 3rd party equipment utilising them

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and files

I would like to enquire about the following information relating to street light location data for council assets and any or sub-districts within your area.

1. Please could you provide me with the street lighting location data for your area, preferably in a shapefile or other well-known formats so that these can be plotted..
I was unable to find this online for your county, borough or district, but it is available for other boroughs such as Camden ( and Sutton.
Please see attached spreadsheet for unit locations (coordinates given as Easting/Northing)

2. Please could you also provide:
• The locations of streetlights or other powered infrastructure such as illuminated road signs et al in a commonly used format such as CSV and include the geospatial detail of latitude and longitude or similar: Please see attached spreadsheet for unit locations (coordinates given as Easting/Northing)
• An indication if any external 3rd parties are utilising this infrastructure within Elexon guidelines or otherwise: Yes there is a small number of 3rd party electrical units mounted on our lamp columns (e.g. Police ANPR cameras).
• How many streetlights have been changed to LEDs: Please see attached spreadsheet (column labelled “Lamp Type”)
• The annual cost for running the streetlights: During 2022/23 the full year electrical energy cost for all electrical units (including illuminated signs, traffic signals, bollards, etc) was £899,332 plus other costs such as meter administration (excludes maintenance/repair costs).

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