Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Website platforms

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Does your Local Authority host a website platform for:
• Local Offer (Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND) support): YES (but integrated content within main website)
• Family Information Service (for families to access information in the local area): YES (but integrated content within main website)
• Community Information Directory (local communities to access local events, clubs etc.): YES

2. If no to question 1. are there plans to develop the web platform? YES/ NO
Please give details on which platform, timescale, how this will be commissioned and budget.

3. If yes to question 1. please provide the website address for each of the following, indicating if platforms are combined:
• Local Offer:
• Family Information Service:
• Community Information Directory:

4. How is the website platform provided? State either in house, external provider or other?
• Local Offer (support SEND): In house
• Family Information Service: In house
• Community Information Directory: External provider Idox

5. For the website platforms which are provided by an external provider what is the name of the provider and what is the contract end date?
Idox – September 2026

6. For the website platforms which are provided in- house are there plans to commission this externally?

7. If you stated ‘other’, please expand on the details?

8. What is the expenditure (£) for the following platforms in 2020 / 2021 / 2022 /2023?
Broken down into; hosting, maintenance, development.
• Local Offer (support SEND): (not a standalone platform)
• Family Information Service: (not a standalone platform)
• Community Information Directory:
2023: £22,513.00
2022: £21,421.00
2021: £20,401.00
2021: Development - £18,000.00
2020: £18,505.00

9. Which department in the Local Authority holds the budget for the following platforms:
• Local Offer (support SEND): Digital
• Family Information Service: Digital
• Community Information Directory: IT

10. Please give a contact name, email address and telephone number for the responsible Officer for:
• Local Offer: Vanessa Walters,
• Family Information Service: Vanessa Walters,
• Community Information Directory: Vanessa Walters,

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