Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Children's social care

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

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I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your children’s services/children’s social care department. Please may you provide me with the following information:

1. Do you have your eligibility criteria for children’s social care clearly and publicly available:
a) Online? If so, please send the direct link to the relevant document (rather than your general local offer, I would like the link to the specific information)
b) On request? If so, please send me as an attachment.

2. Do you have information about what the assessment process involves publicly available? If so, please send this and information about how it can be accessed by the public to me also.

3. If the assessment and eligibility criteria are not usually publicly available, please can you send me copies of both via PDF attachment, including any other relevant details relating to how you make decisions for families requesting support from children’s social care. For example, if eligibility and assessment information is contained within a wider policy, please share the wider policy.

4. Please can you tell me how parents are able to request support or assistance from children’s social care, and whether a self-referral is possible? Can you please also include details of the information that is sent or given to parents in your area when they request a social care assessment, either by phone or in writing.

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