Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 


Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and file

I am writing to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please can you provide the following information about apprentices working in your local authority and local authority maintained schools:

1. What apprenticeship qualifications and levels does your council offer to externally recruited apprentices and existing employees within your council or local authority maintained schools?
See attached file.

2. For September 2021 – July 2022:
a) What was the annual rate of pay for an: externally recruited apprentice working in the council, or a local authority maintained school?
We do not have this information, the pay scales for schools and the local authority we believe are different for apprentices.

b) Did existing employees while doing an apprenticeship in the council or a local authority maintained school remain on the same pay as for their substantive post?
Yes; staff who remain in their substantive posts and do an apprenticeship as CPD remain on.

3. For September 2021 – July 2022:
a) Externally recruited apprentice to do an apprenticeship scheme in:
i. the council.
ii. a local authority maintained school.
We do not hold this information.

4. For September 2021 – July 2022:
a) Existing employees that started an apprenticeship as part of their career progression in:
i. the council: 15
ii. a local authority maintained school: 14

5. For September 2021 – July 2022:
a) What was the total number of apprenticeship starts broken down by age range:
i. 18-24
ii. 25-34
iii. 35-44
iv. 45-54
v. 55-64
We do not hold this information.

6. For September 2021 – July 2022:
a) What was the total number of apprenticeship starts broken down by race, disability, gender identity and sexual orientation?
We do not hold this information.

7. For September 2021 – July 2022 - Of the total number of starts, what number of apprentices completed, left and continued their apprenticeship scheme?
Since May 2017 we have had 218 staff members start apprenticeship programmes across our local authority and maintained schools. 75 have completed. 65 have stopped – there are a lot of reasons for this and not just withdrawing from the apprenticeship – staff who have left the Council to work for other organisations are listed as stopped even though they have transferred their apprenticeship to their new employer and successfully completed their apprenticeship.

We have had several providers suddenly stop delivering apprenticeship training so we have had to find new providers for the apprentices – they are listed as stopped on the digital account.

8. For September 2021 – July 2022 - What number of externally recruited apprentices got a permanent job at the end of their apprenticeship?
We do not hold this information.

9. For September 2022 – July 2023:
a) What was the annual rate of pay for an: externally recruited apprentice working in the council, or a local authority maintained school?
We do not hold this information.

b) Did existing employees while doing an apprenticeship in the council or a local authority maintained school remain on the same pay as for their substantive post?

10. For September 2022 – July 2023:
a) Externally recruited apprentice to do an apprenticeship scheme in:
i. the council.
ii. a local authority maintained school.
We do not hold this information.

11. For September 2022 – July 2023:
a) Existing employees that started an apprenticeship as part of their career progression in:
i. the council.
ii. a local authority maintained school.

12. For September 2022 – July 2023:
a) What was the total number of apprenticeship starts broken down by age range:
i. 18-24
ii. 25-34
iii. 35-44
iv. 45-54
v. 55-64
We do not hold this information.

13. For September 2022 – July 2023: What was the total number of apprenticeship starts broken down by race, disability, gender identity and sexual orientation?
We do not hold this information.

14. For September 2022 – July 2023: Of the total number of starts, what number of apprentices completed, left and continued their apprenticeship scheme?
We do not hold this information.

15. For September 2022 – July 2023: What number of externally recruited apprentices got a permanent job at the end of their apprenticeship?
We do not hold this information.

16. Does your council’s official pay scale points include an apprenticeship pay band?
Yes; We have a separate apprenticeship pay scale for apprentices recruited into the organisation.

17. On what terms and conditions do you employ all apprentices? For example: National Joint Council (Green book), Scottish Joint Council, or other (please specify).
Our apprentices are employed on fixed term contracts on standard wokingham terms and conditions

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