Last updated:

8th August 2023

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 


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1. Can you please provide me with the number of self/custom build serviced plots that wokingham council has consented since 2015.

This information normally comes from CIL self build exemption that have been granted , but i require to know if these are additional dwellings or simply replacement of existing dwellings
There is total of 243 applications and each application would need to be checked individually to assess if it is a new build or replacement of existing dwelling as this information is not required in annual reporting events (self-build returns to Government). This task would take approximately 18-20 hours of officer’s time. Whilst West Berkshire Council may monitor self-build applications to see whether they are an additional net dwelling, this is not something which is done by Wokingham Borough Council. Wokingham Borough Council monitors information about all builds collectively and assesses information on demolitions/new build/conversions, but this is not done separately for self-build which is why applications need to be cross checked individually. Furthermore, the information that is monitored collectively is done on a full financial year which different to how self-build permissions are monitored (which is each calendar year in accordance with the annual self-build return required by central Govt).

The Council is able to check each self-build application separately which are CIL exempted but this wouldn’t represent a true picture of all self-build planning permissions the Council has given as this would not cover all self-build dwellings as some may be retrospective applications in which self-build relief cannot be claimed (i.e., there is existing in-use floorspace to offset that equals or exceeds the proposed floorspace, there will be no CIL liability) or those that have sold the property within the qualifying period and had the self-build relief withdrawn.

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