Last updated:

8th August 2023

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UK Shared Prosperity Fund

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

1. Following your awarding of £1,000,000 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, please can you detail how much of this funding has been allocated to the 'Communities & Place' investment strand over the entire funding period?

2. In addition, of the £83,918 of UKSPF funding allocated to be spent in 2022 - 2023, could you please confirm how much of this has been allocated to the 'Communities & Place' investment strand and provide as much detail as to the reporting criteria as set out below:
• Name of Project
• Project Description – a brief description of the project
• New or pre- UKSPF Project – is this a continuation of an existing project with UKSPF funding, or a new project?
• The main UKSPF intervention the project has been set up to support - primary intervention, based on spend
• Location – Project Postcode or Project Delivery Postcode (if applicable). Local Authority Areas that will benefit
• Delivery Lead – name of the organisation delivering project
• Type of Organisation delivering project – for example, VSO, Private Sector etc
• Status – that is, Planned, Live, Finished (completed), Closed (stopped early)
• Reason for closure – if project has closed early rather than being successfully completed
o £25,526
o Recruitment of a Senior Cultural Development Officer
o Employ a Cultural Development Officer whose remit will be to support local arts, cultural, heritage and creative activities. This will be achieved in the first two years of the project by developing a new Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan setting up a partnership for the arts and culture community `the Cultural Alliance’ to work collaboratively to develop and deliver the plan. The aim of the role will be to deploy the arts and culture agenda in a way that can support a range of community-based opportunities. Initially the role will be to embed arts and culture as a thread in other strategies that will benefit from its inclusion including health and wellbeing, tackling poverty, education, young people, economic development, employment and skills: reducing inequalities. But more work will be done to implement an educational business partnership, work with partners and developers to deliver public art, and initiate programmes such as Purple Hearts to provide access to arts and culture to some of most vulnerable residents.
This will work towards a “year of culture” in 2024/25, working across all our towns and parishes that want to be involved: bringing art and culture to town centres, maximising the benefit for the whole community and engaging new people in the cultural opportunities
o The Officer post is a newly created role and whilst a lot of the work is newly generated it builds on an existing foundation of cultural engagement
o E6: Support for local arts, cultural heritage and creative activities

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