Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 

Inspection of Accounts rights under the Audit Act 2014

Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes

I am interested in researching the issue of the Inspection of Accounts rights under the Audit Act 2014, to see if or how it is being used across local government in the UK. I wanted to ask for data, between 2019/20 and 2022/23 for:

1. If the accounts were published in those years.
This information is available on the Council website.

2. Number of people who inspected the accounts in the time periods each year.

3. Number of requests/questions asked, and what they were/what areas they covered.

4. Number of objections raised, and what they were.

5. Any FOI requests relating to the accounts or finances (with the phrase ‘accounts’ of ‘inspection or statement of accounts’)
The Council publish its requests on its publication scheme so publicly visible and able to check.

6. Any changes made to the accounts as a result.

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