Last updated:

8th August 2023

See answers to previous information requests

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This search is for our information requests from September 2020 onward. You can also visit our previous Disclosure Log to see requests received before this period. 


Request ID
Date Received
Date Resolved

See notes

See notes and file

Please could you advise on the following questions for the period 1st April 2022 - 31st March 2023:

1. How many external hires were made at Wokingham Borough Council. over this period (all vacancies)?

2. What was your total recruitment spend for this period (all vacancies)?
The way our finance ledgers are setup doesn't breakdown on recruitment spend operated by service area and our central recruitment team didn't join until 2023. This means we would need to analyse individual invoices manually which would exceed 18 hours work.

3. How much of this budget was spent on external agencies (all vacancies)?
The way our finance ledgers are setup doesn't breakdown on recruitment spend operated by service area and our central recruitment team didn't join until 2023. This means we would need to analyse individual invoices manually which would exceed 18 hours work.

4. Who are these agencies and what was their total cost per agency?
The way our finance ledgers are setup doesn't breakdown on recruitment spend operated by service area and our central recruitment team didn't join until 2023. This means we would need to analyse individual invoices manually which would exceed 18 hours work.

5. Who is the senior responsible officer in relation to this budget?
Managed by service leads.

6. Do you have a centralised recruitment team at Wokingham Borough Council. or are your recruitment budgets and responsibility managed by your service leads?
Budgets managed by service leads with support and guidance from Recruitment Team as of January 2023.

7. Who are these recruitment and/or service lead(s)?

8. What is the organisational structure within your recruitment and HR teams at Wokingham Borough Council?
Structure attached.

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